GTHL announces rosters for 2016 Midget All-Star Festival

‘A’, ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ Players To Participate In Showcase Event

      GTHLBreakoutTV YouTube Channel to Stream All Games Live


The Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL) today announced the details of the 2016 Midget All-Star Festival to be held Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at Scotiabank Pond in Toronto. All games will be streamed live by WeeStreem on the GTHLBreakoutTV YouTube channel.

The 15th edition of this annual event will host three All-Star Games involving players from the GTHL Midget A, AA and AAA levels.

Midget A All-Star Game: 10:30 a.m.

Live stream:

Midget AAA All-Star Game
: 1:30 p.m.

Live stream:

Midget AA All-Star Game
: 4:30 p.m.

Live stream:

Each All-Star roster is included below, with a total of 119 players from the three midget rep levels participating in the event. Coaches and trainers were selected based on team standings as of Dec. 22, 2015.

Under the stewardship of Tony Visca, the GTHL’s Coordinator of Player Development, a team of evaluators dedicated numerous hours observing and evaluating AAA teams/players in rinks and panel discussions in November and December. Midget AA and A coaches were asked to nominate players from the teams in their divisions and the final selections were obtained through this nomination method.

“We are again excited to have each of our rep divisions represented at this year’s Midget All-Star Festival,” said GTHL President Don West. “This event gives our young players an opportunity to join together for an exciting day of hockey action and competition against other top players in their age group.”

The 2016 Midget All-Star Festival is free for any person wishing to attend.


No. Pos. Name Team No. Pos. Name Team
1 G Aiden White TRT 1 G Adam Iafrate VAP
30 G Riley Flume TSH 30 G Jacob Fluxgold VAR
2 D Mitchell Sarjeant TSH 2 D William Guest TEG
3 D Mark Wilson TRT 3 D Michael Silvestri DUF
4 D Otis Abbott TRT 4 D Jordano Perugini DUF
5 D George Waddell NTO 5 D Michael Trompoukis VAP
6 D Jacob Geddes NTO 6 D Stefano Tatangelo VAP
7 D Maxwell Arfin WHG 7 D Vincent Vigilanti AME
8 F Oliver Strasser NTO 8 F Matthew Bianco AME
9 F Jack Niven WHG 9 F Robert Christofaro DUF
11 F David Cashell TRT 10 F Cristian Forget DUF
12 F Liam Dotchison LEF 11 F Brandon Power DUF
14 F Dylan Levy NTO 12 F Peter Portanova VAP
15 F Matias Piccione ISL 14 F Nicholas Bendici VAP
16 F Cyle Ropson SYB 15 F Nicholas Barakett TEG
17 F Paul Ananiadis ISL 16 F Cameron Kless VAR
18 F Kurtis Rauch SYB 17 F Devin Miller WML
19 F Ethan Casey TRT 18 F Angelo Sfyndilis TEG
20 F Colin Boone TRT 19 F Ryan Gatiss TEG
         20 F Noah Hill TEG
21 F Brandon Cooper VAR
Coach Joseph McNeil TRT Coach Vince Soda VAP
Coach Richard Brewda NTO Coach Claudio Catenacci DUF
Trainer Karl Ferandes TRT Trainer Mario Camilleri VAP
Team Legend
TRT: Ted Reeve Thunder
NTO: North Toronto
WHG: West Hill Golden Hawks
SYB: Scarborough Young Bruins
ISL: Markham Islanders
LEF: Leaside Flames
TSH: Toronto Shamrocks
  Team Legend
VAP: Vaughan Panthers
DUF: Duffield Devils
TEG: Toronto Eagles
AME: Amesbury Attack
VAR: Vaughan Rangers
HVS: Humber Valley Sharks
WML: West Mall Lightning



No. Pos. Name Team No. Pos. Name Team
1 G Jason Cumbo WML 1 G Albert Parente DUF
30 G Ty Spero WML 30 G Parker Hayward-Sword TCO
2 D Andrew Bugeja ICW 2 D Noah Walman DUF
3 D Thomas Slokar ICW 3 D Giuliano Dipiero DUF
4 D Steven Maclean TCE 4 D Brenden Hayward-Sword TCO
5 D Robert Sorrento NYK 5 D Adrian Nunno TCO
6 D Jack Spears WML 6 D Malcolm Straker DUF
7 D Chad Gallant WML  
8 F Ryan Fisher WML 8 F Alessio Luciani DUF
9 F Cameron Buck WML 9 F William Chudleigh DUF
10 F Daniel Bancheri ICW 10 F Jordan Vetro DUF
11 F Giovanni Mastroianni ICW 11 F Marco Della Siepe DUF
12 F Amedeo Digiovanni NYK 12 F Matthew Shuckett DUF
14 F Michael Rennie NYK 14 F John Franco Francavilla HVS
15 F Joseph Carrao NYK 15 F Michael Bedarev TCO
16 F Evan Kimoff NYK 16 F Samuel Rowe HVS
17 F Matthew Wallace TCE 17 F Andrew Katz TEG
18 F Robert Chapman TCE 18 F Jack Bon HVS
19 F Michael Proskas ISL 19 F Conor Varga TCE
Coach Claudio Di Nota ICW Coach Michael Yeamans DUF
Trainer Anthony Lombardi ICW Coach Brad Hayward TCO
    Trainer Brian Figuera DUF
Team Legend
ICW: Ice Warriors
WML: West Mall Lightning
TCE: Toronto Aces
NYK: North York Knights
ISL: Markham Islanders
  Team Legend
DUF: Duffield Devils
TCO: Toronto Colts
HVS: Humber Valley Sharks
TEG: Toronto Eagles
TCE: Toronto Aces



No. Pos. Name Team No. Pos. Name Team
1 G Jett Alexander  NYR 1 G Mario Peccia MRB
30 G Spencer Stewart DMF 30 G Colton Incze TML
31 G Eric Jackson TYN 31 G Griffin Coutts JRC
2 D Ryan Wells TYN 2 D William Becke MRB
3 D Mitchell Luzar DMF 3 D Ryan Nicholson TML
4 D Harrison Toms TTI 4 D Patrick McCluskey MRB
5 D Ruslan Gledarov DMF 5 D Daniel Tomassetti JRC
6 D Liam Gillanders NYR 6 D Sebastian Cirillo TRW
7 D Declan Graham TYN 7 D Matthew Leon JRC
8 F Cole Resnick MRP 8 F Matthew Cianci MRB
9 F Daniel Berno TYN 9 F Matthew Rehding JRC
10 F Christian Monachino VAK 10 F Devlin Shanahan TML
11 F Aidan Casey NYR 11 F Paul Spadafora MSE
12 F William Calverley NYR 12 F Jaden Peca TML
14 F Allister O’Hagan TYN 14 F Christian Tsukamoto MAJ
15 F Justin Vernace VAK 15 F Damien Demarco-Sutton MSE
16 F Julian Florindi DMF 16 F Brett Bannister MRB
17 F Kyle Lewis MRP 17 F Jonathan Hampton MRB
18 F Rocco Andreacchi TTI 18 F Jake Leblanc TRW
19 F Jason Pineo NYR 19 F Matteo DiGiulio JRC
    20    F Matthew Di Cesare DMF 20 F Jack Landry MAJ
Coach Robert Vessio NYR Coach Michael O’Shea MRB
Coach Patrick Mazzoli DMF Coach Blake Ricci JRC
Coach Aaron Darmanin TYN Coach Bill Lloy
Trainer Taffita Chadsey NYR Trainer Carlo Esposito MRB
Team Legend
NYR: North York Rangers
DMF: Don Mills Flyers
TYN: Toronto Young Nationals
TTI: Toronto Titans
MRP: Mississauga Reps
VAK: Vaughan Kings
  Team Legend
MRB: Mississauga Rebels
JRC: Toronto Jr. Canadiens
TML: Toronto Marlboros
MSE: Mississauga Senators
MAJ: Markham Majors
TRW: Toronto Red Wings


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