GTHL announces results of investigation into U12 ‘AAA’ Team finances

The Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL) Board of Directors approved a Sanction Disclosure Policy in November 2023, setting out the types of sanctions the League will publicly disclose. This is the first decision being disclosed under this policy.

The investigation, initiated by the GTHL, explored the financial practices of an Under-12 ‘AAA’ team during the 2022-23 season. The inquiry, initially led by a third-party investigator appointed by the GTHL and finalized by a forensic accountant, reviewed potential discrepancies in the collection and use of team funds.

In November 2023, the third-party forensic accountant submitted a comprehensive report outlining their findings and recommendations. The GTHL, after careful consideration, communicated its final decision to the Markham Majors Hockey Club, Team Officials of the 2022-23 U12 ‘AAA’ team, and the families associated with the team. A meeting was conducted during the week of December 11, 2023, allowing parents to engage with both the GTHL and the forensic accountant.

The forensic accountant’s determinations included that there were violations of Club Policies on Team bank accounts and a mishandling of funds collected for player fees. Although sponsorship funds from Flip Give were not directly deposited into the Team bank account, the funds were eventually accounted for. There was no evidence of inappropriate spending or missing funds.

As a consequence of these findings and recommendations made by the forensic accountant, the GTHL issued a decision requiring the Club revise and update several of its policies relating to the receipt and disbursement of funds through one Team account, require that the Club appoint a qualified individual to provide ongoing oversight of Team accounts and banking, and an approval framework for expenditures including e-transfers. The Club will also be required to have in-person meetings with all team managers to communicate its policies, and it will be required to implement training tools for incoming team managers. The manager of the Team in question was also prohibited from registering or undertaking financial management duties until the 2028-29 season. The significant costs associated with the forensic accountant were determined to be the responsibility of the Markham Majors.

The GTHL Rules and Policy Committee will be considering the recommendations made by the forensic accountant to determine what, if any, changes are required to GTHL regulations and policies.

About the Greater Toronto Hockey League  

Founding in 1911, the GTHL is a non-profit organization and the largest minor hockey league in the world. The GTHL registers more than 40,000 annual participants in Markham, Mississauga, Toronto, and Vaughan. The purpose of the GTHL is to govern organized hockey for youth within its jurisdiction, and to foster participation that reflects the cultural demographic of the League’s territory while promoting an environment that is welcoming and inclusive for all participants.

For more information, please contact:  

Stephanie Coratti | Senior Manager, Communications and Marketing
Greater Toronto Hockey League

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