GTHL Policies and Forms
Choose from the options below. Use the sidebar to navigate form categories.
To help ensure that we are a safe space for raising concerns, Hockey Canada has established a new, fully independent, and confidential reporting mechanism for all individuals regarding any incidents involving Hockey Canada sanctioned programming. This reporting mechanism is known as the Independent Third Party (ITP).
Click here for more information on Safe Sport Reporting.
Click the button below to submit a complaint to the ITP:
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA)
The GTHL is committed to complying with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and all applicable standards in order to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner.
- A Guide to the GTHL Appeal Process
Information for players, parents, volunteers, administrators and clubs.
- GTHL Complaint Management Policy
The GTHL Complaint Management Policy sets out the GTHL’s process for investigating and adjudicating Complaints of Maltreatment, Harassment, Bullying, and Misconduct.
- GTHL Concussion Policy
The concussion policy ensures players who are suspected to have sustained a concussion during GTHL activity do not return before being medically cleared by a professional.
- GTHL Confidentiality Statement
This confidentiality statement is written in accordance with Ontario’s Human Rights Code (1990), which prohibits the discrimination of all people on a number of protected grounds: race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, and disability.
- Development 1 – Interim Head Coach Policy
The interim policy outlines how the GTHL will approve Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches to teams that are not in compliance with the GTHL coaching requirements at various points in the season due to unforeseen circumstances.
- GTHL Dressing Room Policy
The policy’s purpose is to provide a safe, inclusive, and equitable dressing room environment with proper supervision, for players and Team Officials.
- GTHL Green Armband Policy
The focus of this policy is to support on-ice officials within the GTHL and Members.
- Hockey Canada Co-Ed Dressing Room Policy
The following is the policy of Hockey Canada with respect to co-ed dressing.
- OHF Policy on Dressing Room Supervision
OHF regulations when any player under age 18 is in the team dressing room before, during and after a game, practice or tryout. In Juvenile or Under-21 hockey, the coach may use an adult player over age 19 to be the second adult associated with the team.
- GTHL Games Policy
The GTHL Games Policy outlines the length of games, format for the warm-ups, and safety procedures to ensure the warm-up is conducted in a safe environment.
- Head Injuries and Concussions
The GTHL believes that the participant’s safety and health is paramount and should be first and foremost in determining the most appropriate time in which a player may return to play once that individual has suffered a suspected or identified head injury.
- GTHL Helmet Policy
All Team Officials and volunteers under the jurisdiction of the GTHL, NCCP, and third-party instructors working with a Team, must wear a CSA-approved helmet, secured and with chinstraps properly fastened, during all on-ice activities, including evaluations.
- Inclement Weather Policy
Any decision relating to the cancellation of games will be made by 3 p.m. on a weeknight or two hours prior to the commencement of the League game on a weekend.
- GTHL Music Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear direction on the accepted use of music during activities within the GTHL.
- Player Billeting – Hockey Canada Resource Package
Hockey Canada guidelines and details on player billeting for team administrators, host families and players; includes forms and information for short-term (ie. tournaments, exchanges) and season-long billeting.
- GTHL Player Registration Fee Guide
Information on the GTHL Player Registration Fee, including details on the cost, payment process, policies and FAQ.
- Policy for Players 8 and Under Playing Up
Outlines the policy surrounding players 8 years of age and under playing up an age group.
- Privacy Policy
With respect to this Privacy Policy, the GTHL will strive to exceed federal and provincial legislative requirements and will ensure that it remains current with changing technologies and laws.
- GTHL Sanctions Disclosure Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for disclosing disciplinary sanctions imposed on Participants by the GTHL. This policy outlines the GTHL’s commitment to transparency, compliance, and privacy with respect to sanctions that may be imposed while ensuring that individuals and the public are informed about significant sanctions that are imposed by the GTHL.
- GTHL Team Bank Account Policy
The policy applies to all teams entered for competition by a Club member.
- GTHL Team Names Policy
The policy applies to team names, logos, insignia, and designs.
- Responsibilities of Coaching Staffs in Arenas
Brief points to assist coaches in avoiding any problems and lead to providing a positive relationship throughout the hockey season.
- GTHL Social Media Policy and Community Code
Guidelines for social media use for all participants in the GTHL.
- OHF Unsanctioned Games Policy
Unsanctioned Leagues Operating Outside the Auspices of Hockey Canada Programming
- GTHL Video Review Policy
By way of this policy, the League wishes to communicate its position on when it is appropriate and responsible for the League to review video submissions, as well as the procedure to do so.
- OHF Vulnerable Sector Checks
The centralization of all Vulnerable Sector Checks is conducted by the OHF for all Team Officials, Team Personnel, and On-Ice Officials.
- House League Signing Officer/Affiliation Form
Submit by June 30 of each year.
- Rep Authorized Signing Officers Form
Submit by June 30 of each year.
- 2024-2025 Exhibition Game Application Form
Submit for any GTHL team traveling outside the GTHL boundaries.
- Team Affiliation Form
Submit by November 1.
- Team Official Commitment Form (2023-2024)
The League will begin accepting these forms on January 15.
- IIHF Tour Application
Submit for incoming and outgoing OHF tours.
- Tournament and Exhibition Game Sheet Submissions
Submit within seven business days of tournament or exhibition game completion.
- 2024-2025 Lake Ontario Region Permission to Skate Form
Required for U14 to U18 Players only (U18 AAA excluded), changing members (i.e. GTHL to OMHA or OMHA to GTHL). LOR Permission to Skate must be obtained from the last GTHL Club player was registered with. U18 ‘AAA’ Uncontested Releases are completed by the League office by reaching out to Danielle Murray at
- Hockey Canada Written Transfer – U.S. Citizens Letter of Approval
Required for player transfers from USA Hockey to Hockey Canada.
- Hockey Canada Notice to Appeal Form
Submit to Branch Office along with other required forms.
- Inter-Branch Transfer Application
Required for player transfers from one province to another province.
- OHF Appeal Guidelines
A guide to the Ontario Hockey Federation appeal process
- OHF Appeal Form
This form shall be received by the OHF Office no later than seven (7) days from the date the decision sought to be appealed was sent to the appellant.
- OHF Residential Transfer Request Portal
Per OHF Regulations E55, players who have changed their residence with their parent(s) or guardian(s), and as a result of that move have changed Minor Members will require approval from the OHF. Click here to review instructions for the OHF Residential Transfer Process.
- GTHL Concussion Policy
Required when returning from injury (ie. concussions or suspected head injuries).
- Hockey Canada Guide – Safety Requires Teamwork & Safety For All
Read the Hockey Canada Risk Management & National Insurance Programs and learn more about bullying, harassment and abuse.
- Hockey Canada Accident Insurance – Claims Process
Learn the steps to follow to submit an accident insurance claim with Hockey Canada.
- Hockey Canada Accident Insurance – When Am I Covered?
Learn about when you are covered by the Hockey Canada insurance policy.
- Hockey Canada Injury Report
Injury Report forms, completed in their entirety, MUST be received by GTHL Office within 90 days of incident date. Only ORIGINAL receipts/invoices are acceptable.
- Hockey Canada Accident Insurance Benefits Fact Sheet
Find out what Hockey Canada accident insurance benefits DO NOT COVER.
- Hockey Canada Accident Insurance – U.S. Travel
Check with Branch prior to planning travel to ensure proper sanctions and approvals.
Please be reminded that when planning a tournament that requires cross-border travel, families need to ensure that adequate health insurance is in place for their entire family that is traveling – this includes the registered participant (player and bench staff).
In some cases, families may already have coverage through a benefits plan, a major credit card, or a road side assistance program. Families must check with their provider to confirm and activate coverage, ensuring that the participant will be covered should there be a sporting event accident.
While OHIP covers some out-of-province medical expenses, there are also uninsured services that families should be aware of. Hockey Canada’s insurance for a registered participant has specific limits that apply only once the family’s primary insurance coverage (OHIP and family benefits) has been exhausted. Quite often, medical expenses in other countries will go beyond what is covered by OHIP and the families’ private insurance and/or benefits.
- Hockey Canada Insurance Program – Safety Requires Teamwork (Brochure)
Learn about coverage in a broad overview of the Hockey Canada Insurance Program.
- Hockey Canada Non-Sanctioned Leagues Policy
Learn more about the consequences of supporting or participating in a non-sanctioned league.
- Hockey Canada Insurance Program – FAQ
Learn more about the Hockey Canada Insurance Program.
- OHF Hockey Team Travel Insurance Information
Learn about insurance options for teams travelling outside of Ontario.
- OHF Insurance Guide
Learn about the insurance program, sanctioning and dry-land training guidelines.
- “Hold Harmless” and Facility Lease Agreements
Read about a clause that transfers financial responsibility from one entity to another.
- OHF Certificate of Insurance Request Form
Required when renting ice for game(s), practice(s) or tournament(s), and when booking meeting/facility rooms for team/club functions (ie. special events, fundraisers, dry-land training). For a step-by-step guide on how to complete the form, please click here.