Bigger than the game

Inaugural PlayStation Platinum Cup has greatest impact off the ice

Three teams skated out of the PlayStation Platinum Cup as champions, but the most important part of the inaugural event was its impact away from the rink.

Powered by the Toronto Maple Leafs and GTHL, the tournament hosted 24 teams from Ontario and Quebec and raised $30,000 for Camp Oochigeas (Ooch), an organization that provides kids with and affected by childhood cancer with what they need most – the chance to be a kid.

The cheque was presented to Camp Ooch after campers and teams attended the Maple Leafs’ morning skate at Air Canada Centre on Saturday, Nov. 28.

With the help of donations, hundreds of volunteers and a few dozen full-time staff, Camp Ooch has been providing life-changing programs to kids with and affected by cancer since 1983, at no cost to families.

“Camp Ooch receives no government or hospital funding and relies exclusively on the generous donations of individuals, corporations and foundations,” said Lisa Neterhcott, communications officer at Camp Ooch.

“Programs occur 365 days a year at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Ooch Downtown – our urban recreation facility in the heart of Toronto – and at various other healthcare centres across southern Ontario. Our residential camp takes place up north at Ooch Muskoka.”

Dave Capobianco, head coach of the Atom A Toronto Royals, recognizes the importance of organizations like Camp Ooch.

“Their programs allow children battling cancer and their families opportunities to come together during a very difficult time,” Capobianco wrote in an email to Breakout. “These deserving children are able to enjoy unique learning experiences and some reprieve from the daily rigors of treatment and life battling cancer.”

“One of the boys on our team has a cousin battling cancer right now and until last year I coached a boy who is battling leukemia,” added Capobianco.

The boy he used to coach, Sam Garten, is currently in the maintenance phase of his treatment and is back playing hockey with the Peewee A Vaughan Rangers.

“Sam is on the right track, back to playing hockey and getting back to a more normal kid life,” Sam’s father Joseph Garten told Breakout.

Since his diagnosis, Sam has inspired friends, family, teammates and the City of Vaughan Hockey Association to raise more than $40,000 for The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and leukemia research. He also has attended Camp Ooch the past two summers and absolutely “loves it!”


PlayStation Platinum Cup powered by the Toronto Maple Leafs and GTHL:



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