Important Dates

Grab your day planner and make note of these dates for the 2024-2025 GTHL season:



AUG. 19-22 Referee Summer Camp (“Ref School”)
SEPT. 30 ‘AAA’ schedule begins
OCT. 7 ‘AA’ and ‘A’ schedule begins
OCT. 11 GTHL Development Day presented by GSW
OCT. 26-27 Esso GTHL Puck Drop Weekend
NOV. 1 Final date to submit team affiliation forms
NOV. 15 Final date a Club may release a player
NOV. 22-24 Platinum Cup powered by Toronto Maple Leafs and GTHL
NOV. 29-DEC. 1 The ‘A’ Challenge Cup
DEC. 24-JAN. 1 GTHL office closed and no games scheduled
JAN. 2 GTHL schedule resumes
JAN. 10 Final date for a player to be released to be eligible to sign with another team for the current season
JAN. 15
  • Final date to register and roster a player with the GTHL office
  • Final date to register and roster an import player
JAN. 25 GTHL U18 All-Star Festival fuelled by Gatorade

  • U18 ‘AAA’ All-Star Game
  • U18 ‘AA’ All-Star Game
  • U18 ‘A’ All-Star Game
JAN. 25-26 I Play in the G Festival fuelled by Gatorade
JAN. 29 GTHL Top Prospects Game fuelled by Gatorade
JAN. 31 Final date for submission of Tournament Hosting applications for those being held pre-season until Dec. 31 of the following season
FEB. 14 GTHL Development Day presented by GSW
FEB. 28 GTHL Regular Season Concludes
MAR. 1 Pro Hockey Life Cup Championship Celebration
TO BE DETERMINED GTHL Playoffs presented by GSW
MAR. 24-28 OHL Cup
MAR. 31-APR. 6 U18 ‘AAA’ Central Region Championship
APRIL  Pathway Development Skill Sessions (dates to be determined)
APR. 9-13
  • U15 ‘AAA’ All-Ontario Championship
  • U13 ‘AAA’ All-Ontario Championship
APR. 15
  • Final date for submission of Tournament Hosting applications for those being held from Jan. 1 to Apr. 15 of the following season
  • Recommendations to Rules Committee due for Notices of Motion, Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws
APR. 18-20
  • GTHL ‘A’ Championships
  • OHF Championships
APR. 19-25  U10-U13 ‘AAA’ Tryouts
APR. 21-27  U14-U18 ‘AAA’ Tryouts
APR. 26-May 2  U10-U13 ‘AA’ Tryout
APR. 28-May 4  U14-U18 ‘AA’ Tryouts
MAY 3-9  U10-U13 ‘A’ Tryouts
MAY 5-11  U14-U18 ‘A’ Tryouts
MAY 10-16  Select Tryouts
JUNE 12 GTHL Awards Gala presented by Nothers The Award Store
JUNE 30 Signing Officer Forms due for following hockey season (Late fee: $250)
TO BE DETERMINED 2025 GTHL Annual General Meeting
JULY 22 2025 GTHL Legacy Classic presented by Spordle