Certification Maintenance

Maintenance of certification is an essential component of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) that ensures coaches remain updated on the latest coaching practices, techniques, and knowledge. Hockey Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada have provided a framework for developing coaches and maintaining certification through participation in national and provincial sport organization conferences and workshops, eLearning modules, NCCP workshops, coach mentorship programs, and active coaching. PD points are tracked by the Coaching Association of Canada in your Locker profile and Hockey Canada Spordle profile.

Click here for information on accessing your coach.ca Locker profile, certification maintenance, eLearning courses, and FAQs.

For instructions on how to get into the Locker Click HERE or watch a training video Click HERE

Click here for Coaches Association of Ontario Professional Development course offerings.

Instructional Stream

The GTHL is committed to providing clinics that increase the knowledge and skills of coaches to help them teach age appropriate skills to players. Instructional Stream clinics we offer include skating, checking skills, goaltending, developing defencemen, and skills. Each Instructional Stream clinic carries a value of  5 point towards certification maintenance.

Date Instructional Stream Clinic Register Link
TBA Goaltending 1
TBA Skating 1
TBA Developing Defencemen 1
TBA Goaltending 2

Professional Development

The GTHL Professional Development Series presents an opportunity for coaches to get involved in continuing education and acquire points towards certification maintenance . Our Pro D Series brings together GTHL development experts, community organisations, and industry professionals to provide the very best, and relevant, development opportunities.

Our Pro D clinics, unless otherwise stated, carry a value of 3 points towards the maintenance of a certified status in your Coaching Association of Canada Locker.